ADHD represents a shortage in executive function, a skill set that comprises impulse control, attention, and far more. Seen as a disorder of self-regulation, ADHD potentially impacts anything that necessitates coordination and planning, from eating and sleep habits to laying out a lasting science project all the way to how someone listens and speaks in conversation.
Hadar Swersky says that kids with ADHD are at risk for articulation disorders, which affect their ability to produce letter sounds suitable for their age. Beyond that, they also usually have differences in fluency and vocal quality when talking. Moreover, children with ADHD showed enhanced volume and variability in pitch when talking, along with specific patterns such as increased number of vocal pauses.
Children with ADHD generate more word fillers or vocal repetitions as they try to organize their thoughts, somewhat same as a stammer. This can result in misunderstandings and impatience from others, particularly children, as they usually do not have the same patience and viewpoint as adults.
ADHD and Communication
Kids with ADHD process language in a different way as well. For starters, they are at enhanced risk for significant language delays. Even without particular delays, owing to distractibility and associated ADHD symptoms, they are more likely to get off-topic when speaking. They also often resist finding the right words and putting thoughts together fast and linearly in conversation. Errors in grammar as they create sentences also may occur, owing to planning difficulties present even when underlying skills in this area are integral. All these ADHD- related symptoms, with or without actual language delays, may have an influence on the ability to communicate effectively.
According to Hadar Swersky, it is better to look for potential language delays and intervene when appropriate. And as adults, it is important to adapt own communication style as much as possible.
• Assess for specific delays via direct testing, and then initiate correct interventions when indicated.
• Deal with pragmatic concerns for kids struggling socially as behavioral intervention only might not be enough, through working with a therapist recognizable with this aspect of communication.
• Pause frequently and parse language into shorter segments when speaking to someone with ADHD. Annunciate properly, and use gesture language such as counting bullet points on your fingers. Without condemnation or judgment, rephrase or repeat yourself when required. Consider having children restate what they have understood from what you have said.
• Offer ‘extra time’ in conversation, enabling children who might be struggling to pull their thoughts together. Give them enough time to settle themselves and organize their responses.
These are some simple ways to deal with speech delay condition.